Our Farms
On our farms and in our communities, we live together like an extended family, sharing all things in common, just as the disciples of Yahshua did in the first century. It is an amazing life, and you can come and see it for yourself at any of these places.
For the most part, our farms are small-scale operations. We mainly grow food for ourselves but, sometimes sell our produce at our own farmstands or farmer’s markets. All of the income from our various endeavors goes into a common purse, from which all our needs are met. We don’t have our independent income or debts to carry by ourselves, except for the debt of love we owe to our Savior, which we repay by loving and caring for one another.
Our farms are sanctuaries… a safe haven… a peaceful refuge… an anchor for the soul in the midst of a society drifting dangerously off course.

Scenes from our Farms
Tomato plants (Marshall, MI) Working Together (Skalna, Czechia) Caring for animals (Skalna, Czechia) New Arrivals (Skalna, Czechia) Misty fields (Marshall, MI) Girls and goats (Hiddenite, NC) Blueberry Picking (Sus, France) Brussel Sprouts and Friends (Germany) Morning Sunrise (Cambridge, NY) Farmhouse (Cambridge, NY) Cheese-Making (Sus, France) Chicken House (Marshall, MI) Blueberries (Marshall, MI) Waterfalls (Basin Farm, VT) Raspberries (Basin Farm, VT) Greenhouse (Basin Farm, VT) Flowers (Basin Farm, VT) Swimming (Basin Farm, VT) Farm Buildings (Basin Farm, VT) Rows of Produce (Basin Farm, VT) Farmers in the fields (Basin Farm, VT)