"Whatever Happened to the Church in Island Pond?"
Published in the "Social Justice Research" journal (vol. 12, no. 4, 2000, p. 341-364), chronicling the various controversies that have surrounded us.
Twelve Tribes founder Gene Spriggs speaks at the June 22, 2000 anniversary celebration remembering the 1984 raid on the Island Pond community.
The Way of the Kingdom of God is contrasted with the Way of the World. You'll get to meet some of the disciples of the tribe of Zebulun, located in England.
This delightful musical, acted entirely by children, tells the untold chapter of the much told Pilgrims story. In spite of their sufferings, thankfulness marked their early days.
Nahaliel and Hakam discuss the foundational understanding of The Three Eternal Destinies.
Hakam and Nahaliel describe their beginnings in the Jesus Movement and how they found true salvation in the Twelve Tribes communities.
Bob, known as Nahaliel in our communities, was a missionary kid in Brazil, growing up, going to college, and then finding God's will for his life.
Yonadab dropped out of high-school, joined the navy, but I always knew there was a God. He led me away from some of the foolish, stupid things I did, and into the Body of Messiah.
Sakar had difficult questions, finding some answers but even more questions, like "He who wishes to keep his life will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you'll find life eternal".
As a Christian with my own online "ministry", I never had peace when I would read the haunting words: "many shall say to me, did we not do these mighty works in your name?
Yoshiyah and Elad are two young men who grew up in the Twelve Tribes and now have families of their own.
A play about the Plymouth Separatists and the first Thanksgiving. First performed by the Community in Plymouth in November 2022.
Hakam Zerubbabel describes his journey as an Asian-American through college, Help-X, and onwards to the Yellow Deli in Oneonta, where he became a disciple.
During my journey, the more I searched through different forms of Christianity the more confused I got. How could the "church" be so divided when the first church started so united?