The Story of Lindsey - One who was willing to do the Father's will...
Lindsey felt guilty that she was glancing at her watch for the third time. Her back was sticky with moisture, and she shifted
in her pew.
The preacher’s voice, ringing with fervor, shot out over the edge of the podium. He leaned further towards the audience, his sweating hands white-knuckled on the sides of the lectern, as his massive chest heaved with a sincere appeal. “Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior. Pray, out loud, even just a whisper, and tell Him that you believe that He came to earth and died for your sins.” His voice rose to a fevered pitch. “Tell Him you’re sorry for your sins and that you will try to not sin again. Ask Him to live in your heart and be the Lord of your life!”
The congregation responded predictably to his passion, “Amen, brother! That’s right!”
Lindsey started to fidget again in her seat, uncomfortable under the preacher’s sweaty gaze. The pastor’s words droned on and his face blurred in her tiredbrain.
“But I’m saved. I do believe!” she thought to herself, “I’ve heard this message a million times before. I’ve said the sinner’s prayer!” But even so, she knew something was missing. Maybe a lot of things were missing.