Community in Katoomba
We live together in a Heritage Guesthouse, one of the first in the Blue Mountains, known as the Balmoral House, very close to the Katoomba Railway Station. We welcome WWOOFers and guests all through the year, and would be glad to see you visit us, or drop by our Yellow Deli, Katoomba. Our little community is especially grateful to live just out of Sydney in a World Heritage National Park. It's very pretty up here... it's not hard to hear the voice of Creation when you visit the Blue Mountains. Creation speaks when you look out into the distant valley at the beautiful blue haze, or as you gaze at the sheer cliff faces reflecting the radiance of the sun. Maybe the rhythm of the water as it cascades down the rocks will speak to you as it eventually spills out over a waterfall, or it could be the cry of the lyre bird with its feathered tail spread wide as it wanders through the bush. Yes, many people come to the Blue Mountains to appreciate the voice of Creation - to wonder at the beauty found in this unique area.We, too, have taken delight in this voice, and long to see the reputation of the One who created all of these things, who has so much care and order, to be made right. Our main desire is that we would properly represent our Master Yahshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus) just like He perfectly represented His Father. Our goal is to love one another just as He loved us. We're not there yet, but we press on in the hope He has given us, judging our own selfish ways which come to divide us. His life and the words He spoke were louder than that of the most beautiful sunset settling over the blue haze of the valley. We want to join in with the rest of Creation up here in the Blue Mountains proclaiming the goodness of our Creator - why don't you come and join us... Please phone, write or email us at yachad [at] parchmentpress.net (home), or simply show up. You are always welcome.