Community in Ithaca
Here among the beautiful gorges and waterfalls of the Finger Lakes region of New York State is the city of Ithaca. To some it is considered an "enlightened" city, due to the influence of Ivy League academia and the many "open-minded" people who congregate here. Ithaca is a multicultural hub here in upstate New York, with many nations and cultures represented, as well as the many different facets that make up American culture. People of many different inclinations, orientations, and associations converge on this city, many looking for "enlightenment." Within this "Melting Pot" there is a stirring in the hearts of a people. A people whose backgrounds are as diverse as the city that encompasses them, but who have been brought together to form a brand new culture. They have left their old cultures behind, with their many different flavors, to taste the culture that their Creator is forming in their midst. The stirring in their hearts is the desire to love as their Creator loves. Each one desires with all of their heart to see the Love of God expressed to all of creation, and is willing to pay the price to see it happen. This people lives together in true community, sharing all things in common, learning to love, serve, and forgive as a witness of the Creator's heart for mankind. We here in the Community in Ithaca devote ourselves to our God and our Master Yahshua the Messiah and to one another. We practice our devotion day and night in order to demonstrate the life of peace and unity that the Son of God came to establish. We endeavor to show the care, warmth, and hospitality of our forefather Abraham. Though we fall short of our goal in many ways, we have hope to change. We, being only human, with our many failings and shortcomings, eagerly desire to properly represent the heart of our God. We live in a large and beautiful house, which, much like our own lives, is in the process of restoration. Restoration is our Way in every aspect of our life. But it is happening, as we buzz like bees to make a suitable home for the many disciples who live here and for those to come. As our home and our lives are being restored, so the basic necessities of life continue. Here are meals being prepared and eaten together, clothing being sewn, places being cleaned, children being taught, and a livelihood being made. Because we love to be and work together, we have formed cottage industries. One of which is called the Yellow Deli, where we prepare hot-steamed sandwiches, salads, homemade soup, and tasty baked goods. Our construction company, Commonwealth Construction, is where we extend our restoration and building abilities to those in the surrounding area.