The Movement
"CO M E T O G E T H E R !” was the cry that became a Movement in the Sixties. It was in the heart of a whole generation, fueled by a desire for a love we sensed was possible and a justice we knew the world needed. Woodstock in 1969 offered the hope that people could actually come together and love one another, caring for each other, being loyal friends and lovers forever. Something basic in the human spirit was ignited to motivate a new generation to abandon the status quo and strike out to find the elusive dream of love.
The writers of this paper are children of the ’60s. We want to touch something deep inside your soul… something more than a memory. If you still have a spark burning to capture the elusive dream of a life of love, our hope is to rekindle it by introducing you to the Movement we were looking for, a real place to belong, and the true hope that does not disappoint. We write with a present hope for the future, not a nostalgic memory of the past.
Back in the day, our generation believed that we could change the world by focusing our lives on love, not hate; peace, not war; sharing rather than greed. What was it that gave vision to the Woodstock Nation? Was it real? Where did it go? Is that hope still there in anyone? Is anything left in the soul of the Woodstock generation that still longs for peace on earth and justice for all mankind?
So, what gives us hope? We see the changing of our lives into the image of a dream. We actually are learning to love each other – to come together and not fall apart when the going gets tough. We invite you to get to know us, to open up your heart, and see if the same heart that compelled you all those years ago, just might find fulfillment of that desire that lay dormant beneath the clutter of middle-aged life.
We speak in love having come through the ’60s and everywhere after that. We’ve been humbled by the realities of our desperate need for life. We want to share what we’ve found with you – in the hope that you are still looking for a life of love – only this time, we invite you to come move in to the reality of our life. We can give you the addresses where this true movement of love has been growing since the time when the sixties movement faded. Nothing magic or hallucinogenic, just a life where people are learning what it means to love – to love others more than self – and to reap the fruit of the spiritual seeds we are sowing. It produces life and peace, especially in our children.
We made this paper for you! We invite you to take a little time to consider what we have to say on these pages. We hope you will be pleasantly surprised with what you find here. And then, please, come and visit us. You might just find what you’ve been looking for.