Brand New Culture
If God lived on my street, I’m sure the house would be big. It would have lots of rooms for all the widows and orphans who live t-here. It would be their home, not some institutional orphanage with bars on the windows. I’m sure the rooms would have windows to let lots of light in. The house would probably be old and fixed-up, not new and plastic.
There would be a nice white fence around the house, so that the children are safe inside. It would have a gate that is easy to open, so that guests could come in. No mean dog would bark and scare people.
Lots of people would live in God’s house, I’m sure, because God doesn’t want to be alone. He’s not a lonely God. Nobody would cry alone in their rooms at night, or at the dinner table over a bowl of reheated canned soup. No, all the people would eat together, and some would cook, and some would clean up, but they would all be together.
They would invite everyone on my street to a special dinner. They would invite the poor couple in the small apartment, and the crippled woman, and the lame boy with the funny legs that curved inwards. And the blind man, yes, everybody knew his name, and he came all the time. There was a place for everyone at the table, but not everyone came. The important people never came, because they were too busy doing important things. They could have come, but they didn’t.
God’s house would be clean. God’s yard would be clean. In fact, all the trash on the street would get picked up. You could tell someone cared.
God is love, and love is God. I think – if I lived where Love lived, that I could change my bad habits. I could even be honest about the bad things I had done, and then I could change. I bet everybody who lived at God’s house says “I’m sorry” a lot and “I forgive you” even more.
If you wanted to come over, you’d be welcome. All the people inside would stop and talk to you. If it was getting late, God would invite you to spend the night and give you His room. He’d even let you move in to His house. And you could bring home another person, too.
It would be a place to belong, a place to be for a long time, a place where the people belong to God, and He belongs to them.
I would move in and live with Love, if God lived on my street.