The Voice: Search for the Body
No matter how high we jump, or how loud we scream…
No matter how “peaceful” our look, or “warm” our smile… There is “One thing” still lacking…
The BODY… The world just still has yet to see a people who live as One. People aren’t stupid. They’ve heard the lofty explanations about the “Love of God,” they’ve patiently endured the long-winded sermons on the mystical “body” of Christ, and the emotionally inflated, technologically-advanced worship concerts. They’ve even heard the adventure-driven, Peace Corps like “miracle” missionary tales… They see all the shallowness, and no one is really convinced.
Just like every other zealous young Christian, the “rich young ruler” in Mark 10 was ready to serve God with whatever he had, money, family, education, possessions, opinions, etc. The One Thing he lacked, however, is what would have brought him into the “One Thing” all the disciples were doing together. Herein lay the problem, what we have (money, family, education, possessions, opinions, etc.) is keeping us from actually communing with Him, and therefore keeps us divided from one another. How could anyone claim the love of God if there are rich and poor in our own midst? (1John 3:17) The One Thing closest to His heart is our oneness in all things. It’s simply what the man desired most, “by this ALL MEN will know that you are my disciples, by your love for one another,” and “Father... Let them become perfectly One, so that THE WORLD may know that you sent me...” (John 13:34-35, 17:21-23)
If we love Him, we will love what he loves. If we love Him, we will obey His commands. If we know He loves us, then we will really love one another. So we are either here to flatter Him with more empty religious words, or we long to obey His commands fulfilling the passion of His heart.
The “emerging” ecumenical unity is not unity at all. If we “agree to disagree,” then we have tolerated division entirely. The prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18 were not heard or answered for all their emotional appeals, and it’s not surprising, since they were not doing the “One Thing” the God of Israel wanted from them. Our Creator hates division, and He has done everything He possibly can to cause us to love one another... Now it’s up to us to respond .
The whole world is waiting to see the BODY, the people who live as one. Don’t look for an experience, and just imagine unity. Look for those who have given all to serve Him where He is — they’ll bring you home.