The Yellow Deli Reunion
The early '70s would not have been such a special time in the Chattanooga area without The Yellow Deli.
Remember those luscious fruit salads, great sandwiches, fresh salads, and homemade desserts? Something about its warm, rustic
atmosphere drew people like a magnet. And who can forget the heart-felt invitation at the bottom of the hand-drawn Yellow Deli
menu: “We serve the fruit of the Spirit... Why not ask?”
Somehow God’s love had been communicated to our hearts in such a way that all we wanted to do was pass on the love, joy, and peace spoken of in the New Testament. Our Savior meant everything to us, so working together to serve the best food in the best atmosphere, with all of our hearts, seemed a normal response. The fruit of the Spirit was produced naturally from the good tree of happy believers working together.