In the Vine House Days - Our Beginning
In the Vine House days, during the waning of the “Jesus Movement” of the ’70s, following Jesus seemed hip enough. That was in the beginning, but that was because many of us had not followed Him very far. It soon became apparent to some that being a disciple of Christ involved far more than merely a joyful acceptance of Him and you’re on your way to heaven. Because of our earnest desire to follow this Savior, the gospel and its terms began to slowly dawn on us.
Sadly, a number of those in the early days who had only believed in Jesus found it difficult to fully entrust themselves to Him, and He to them. Many of those who we presumed were disciples at first, still believed in the false one (the false gospel and savior) they came in with, not knowing the difference between the True One and the phantom spirit they had received before. Over time, of course, they became disenchanted and disillusioned with.
We started to have our first rap sessions in the Light House the very time of Explo ’72 in Dallas, which was the fatal blow in the demise of the Jesus Movement. Explo ’72 was a Christian rock festival sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ, featuring Billy Graham and many Christian Rock personalities. The agenda and net effect was to draw the zealous “Jesus Freaks” back into the fold of mainstream Christianity. They went from playing guitars and praising on the beaches and city sidewalks, to sitting silently back in the same pews they once despised.