Forever 27
Some of the most famous rock musicians in history died at the age of 27. In the minds of many they are “Forever 27.”
But where are they now?
Some would like to think they are at a big party in the sky. Some say, “Heaven must have one hell of a band.” Some may hope for an eternal life full of
“sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll” in heaven. How many have bought into the rock n’ roll fantasy presented to the young people of America? The record company executives have profited untold millions, destroying young lives.
The wild, fast-paced lifestyle of these musicians has captured the attention of millions. It seems as if they lived an exciting life, but what caused them to die so young? Why is suicide thought to have been involved in each one of their deaths? What caused all the loneliness and pain that they tried to cover up with drugs and alcohol? They started their careers broke and homeless; they ended their careers rich and famous. Why couldn’t that make them happy?