Altered State
Empty. Like A vacuum that won’t stay that way — drawing in something else. So when light is taken away, darkness floods in.
Emptiness leads to powerful insatiable cravings. We need to be filled with something. When we fail to be filled with the pursuit of virtue and nobility, something else has to take that place. We can hate consumerism but fail to see where it comes from. Its not the fault of the mega-corporations or their slick marketing techniques. heart hunger comes from the gaping absence of the essential values that make up life. The ancient values that should be exalted have been undermined and replaced with cheap counterfeit distractions.
Purpose is lost so dissipation floods in. Dignity is lost so vanity floods in. Where warmth and kindness are absent, promiscuity and sensuality seduce us, only to strip us of what we had left of our trust and sanity. Without true wisdom, we are left wide open to become hosts for useless trivia, shifting fads, sponges for information. As we fail to fight with vigilance for justice, our lives become engrossed in a myriad of petty pastimes to combat our tormenting boredom. And as mercy and forgiveness have been forsaken, we find a disposable society, with disposable friendships and a long trail of cheap words and broken promises. So here we are — tipsy and delirious, in an altered state. Humanity is sick. We need healing. We need a real healer.
We who write this paper have found a real hope and a life that does not leave us empty. We found a place to be healed, a place to learn to be filled with love and virtue, a place to be consumed with loving others and a place to be forgiven. We are fulfilled. This paper is an invitation for you to come and see if you might find fulfillment too.