[CLOSED] Common Ground Café in Hyannis
[Currently Closed for Renovations]
The folkloric story of the Prince and the Pauper presents an admirable theme. These two unlikely characters have been brought together on "common ground." For there is truly only one way for the barriers that have divided humanity for thousands of years to be broken down in reality. It is through expressing a LOVE which lets us see beyond our differences into the hearts of others. Only then will we be able to truly find common ground. This peacemaking love has been sought by many as the solution to many of the world's problems. But, unfortunately, common ground has rarely been found. For without tapping into the SOURCE of this love (the source is the Eternal God himself), even the most valiant attempts, by the most noble souls, seem to be thwarted. We here at Common Ground Cafe, are striving to provide for you more than just delicious, wholesome food in a restaurant with a catchy name. "Common Ground" represents our desire to stand together with you in that place where men's hearts can finally find peace